The olmecs created long- distance trade routes which was used to trade items in which were needed. Due to this the olmec culture spread out to a wider community.The olmec culture also made statues looking like heads from stone here’s and example
After George W. Bush was successfully reelected
as president of the U.S. in 2004, he chose fundamental Social Security reform
as his top domestic priority. The idea of PRIVATE ACCOUNTS was at
the heart of President George W. Bush's 2005 plan for social security reform.
Tea works well as meat tenderizer because of its tannin content
He was vice president but the presedient was assasinated so he bacame president
<span>The correct answer is Griggs v. Duke
Power Company</span>
In this case , Griggs sued the power
company because it required coal handlers to be high school graduates.
The Supreme court ruled in Griggs favor because a high school diploma was not a
requirement for one to be successful