Direct: She was beautiful with golden brown hair and bright green eyes.
Indirect: He say me crying and he came up to me and gave me a hug.
What do you need? The explanation of the phrase?
Don't put the cart before the horse means put the priorities first instead of doing other things. Steve started to put together the aquarium, but didn't get the tools.
Martel’s “The Life of Pi” is a coming of age story about a young man’s reaching maturity through tragic but uplifting story of loss and miraculous survival. The story is based on a journey which contains adventure, tradgedy, humour, and also the survival of the fittest mentality. Yann Martel depicts a story of a youth who seeks knowledge, wisdom, connectivity, and spirituality through religeon and zoology. Applying the craft’s he has practiced and is taught, protagonist Pi Patel seeks survival on a stranded boat with an orrangatang, a tiger, an injured zebra and a hyena.
It is when the audience knows something that the character in the selected form doesn't know
My best friend used to play basketball in A R. Johnson
Explanation: A compound sentence is a sentence with 2 words put together making a word so I used basketball because basketball= basket-ball.