Answer and Explanation:
As per the data given in the question,
The central bank have various tools to apply expansionary policy and these tools are :
- Reserve ratio.
- Discount rate.
- Open market operations.
The open market operations include the buying and selling of government owned securities by central bank to impact the monetary base in the economy. In case of any recession, the central bank should purchase government securities to enhance the money supply. Because whenever they do any kind of open market purchase there would definitely be increase in money in the economy. That's why increment in money supply decrease the interest rate in economy.
Nominal interest rate is the cost of borrowing so if there is decrement in interest rate, there would be consumption and investment activities. these both are the component of aggregate demand so the aggregate demand will increase, and this increment in aggregate demand helps the economy to recover in the situation of recession.
d) 15 dias
O Ciclo Financeiro, ou Ciclo de Caixa, é o tempo entre a saída de pagamentos (no caso fornecedores) e a entrada de recebimentos (vendas por exemplo).
Digamos que estamos em janeiro, começando o ano. A empresa em questão compra sua matéria prima no dia 1 com prazo de pagamento de 15 (pagar dia 15 de janeiro).
A empresa leva 10 dias para fabricar o produto final, o vendendo no dia 10 de janeiro. Ela vende, porém, recebendo somente 20 dias depois, dia 30 de janeiro.
Ela tem que pagar o fornecedor dia 15 de janeiro e recebe pela venda 30 de janeiro.
Assim, a empresa tem 15 dias entre ter que pagar pela matéria prima e receber pela venda do produto proveniente da mesma, constituindo assim o ciclo financeiro de 15 dias.
reconciliate balance $ 22,388,675
bank statement: 18,835
deposits in transit 100,740
outstanding check
10189 (56,710)
10192 (15,365)
10193 (22,650)
10194 (12,375)
Adjusted balance: 22,388,675
checkbook balance: 22,385,105
interest earned 4,020
ATM card fees (450)
Adjusted balance: 22,388,675
Notes: For each statement we adjust for the unknown information.
The bank is unaware of the outstanding check and the deposit in transit. So we adjust for these concepts.
The company has no knowledge of the ffes and interest earned until receiving the bank statement so we must adjust for that amount.
It is false that real estate is a great way to investment for everyone, particularly since the money is more liquid than common stocks.
Digital marketing is promotion of goods and services using digital tools such as email, search engines, social media, and websites on the internet.
The trend is on the increase and there is more emphasis on developing digital marketing tools, so marketers use services like web design, search engine optimisation, and ecommerce.
Digital marketing has the advantage of always being available so your business never sleeps.