The answers of the following are:
1. The answer is Linux. It is not an Operating System.
2. Windows XP 2000 and Windows XP Home Edition have the same interface design.
3. Linux is the operating systems which is considered to be open source.
4. Mac OS is an operating system which is considered to be the most popular with graphic and multimedia designers
5. The software programis the number and variety of programs available for a particular operating system.
Chech the explanation
<em>In [16]:</em>
<em />
# Your answer to this question might be written on more than a line.
datascience_trials = make_array()
for i in np.arange(1000):
datascience_trials = np.append(datascience_trials, simulate_several_key_strikes(1))
datascience_proportion = np.count_nonzero(datascience_trials == 'datascience')/1000
<em>Out [16]:</em>
<em>In [17]:</em>
_ = ok.grade('q2_4')
#Running tests
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class num1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter length of the array:");
int len = in.nextInt();
double [] temps = new double[len];
double avgTem;
int k =0;
double total = 0;
for( k=0; k<temps.length; k++){
System.out.println("Enter values for the array");
System.out.println("The Arrays contains the following values");
// Computing the average of the values
for(k=0; k<temps.length; k++){
total = total+temps[k];
avgTem = total/(temps.length);
System.out.println("The average Temperature is: "+avgTem);
- Using Java programming language
- Import the Scanner class to receive user input
- Prompt User for the length of the Array, receive and store in a variable len;
- Declare a new double array of size len double [] temps = new double[len];
- Using a for loop, continually prompt user to enter values into the array
- Display the values of the array using Java's Arrays.toString method
- Use another for loop to add up all the elements in the arraay and store in the variable called total
- Outside the second for loop calculate the average avgTem = total/(temps.length);
- Display the average temp.
Random integer, in this case betweeen 1 and 100