You shouldn't lend a friend a large amount of money if they are using it for their own personal reasons. You could end up using that money for something you need, instead of something they want. If it isn't for an emergency or something they absolutely need, you should never give a friend a large amount of money, especially if they tend to be unreliable and/or known to not repay people back.
Ed prefers <u>Boston</u> cream pie. Boston is capitalized, and that is another word for proper. I hope this helps.
<u>Jajaja very happy Jaja Sí claro si </u>
The whole sonnet is, in my opinion, about the fact that this woman does not love the poet - she is hiding her feelings well, and thinking about somebody else. So, the correct answer could be either C or D.
Explanation: 1. Mary isn’t the type of person who gossips
2. People lost faith in banks.
3. She will defeat them.
4. I was delighted at the news of her success.
5. They brightly decorated the wooden house for the holiday.
6. I saw a black zebra at the zoo.
7. He wants a cute kitten for Christmas purposes.
8. The close-up photos of the Moon surprised humanity.
9. In summer, the sun’s rays come perpendicular to the Earth.
10. Samuel has a good side and an evil side.