La infografía es la disciplina que trata sobre los diagramas visuales complejos cuyo objetivo es resumir o explicar figurativamente informaciones o textos, empleando más variados medios visuales e incluso auditivos que el mero esquema o diagrama.
espero y esto te ayude
Substance X has the highest temperature because its particles have more kinetic energy.
Tying the legs and wings of poultry against the body to make a compact unit for cooking is called trussing.
The purpose of this is even cooking an a more attractive appearance.
Ocean acidification results from the solubility of CO2 in oceans increasing the H+ concentrations, and depletion of bicarbonates concentrations.
Therefore, human activities which increases the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, will raise the atmospheric CO2 concentration. CO2 is constantly being absorbed by green plants maintaining its concentration through carbon cycle,Therefore massive deforestation which removes green plants, cutting down photosynthesis is one of human activities which raises CO2 levels of the atmosphere.The CO2 dissolves in the oceans to raise its acidic levels.Lower pH.
Another source is fossil fuels emissions which add more CO2 to the atmosphere.