Hard to say. Historians estimate that approx. 1,000,000 people died during the Mexican Revolution. Some even say it was more than 2,000,000 people.
Wilson’s stirring words on that day failed to drum up the necessary votes to pass the amendment. The bill died in the Senate, and it would be another year before Congress finally passed the 19th amendment, giving women the right to vote.
The Four Noble Truths were first spoken of in the Buddha's deer park sermon. They are the foundation of all Buddhist teachings.
1. All life involves suffering (dukkha)
2. The cause of suffering (dukkha) is craving (tanha)
3. The way to overcome dukkha is to overcome tanha
4. The way to overcome tanha is the Middle Way (magga- path)
The constitution was made so that it can be amended and changed as much as it needs to be in order to accommodate situations that the Founding Fathers couldn’t have even dreamed of. Since the constitution is able to be changed, it’s able to “bend” like a willow.
The requirement of colonists to pay for the upkeep of British soldiers is known as Quartering. This requirement was part of the Quartering Act and was an amendment to the Mutiny Act.