oh yeah hi im boréd -,-
h r u
Index Finders
* The search engine keeps the data in an index that is known as index finders which consist of the information almost all query and searching keyword.
* when we search for any website in Google, Yahoo or Bing, it searches from the keyword in the index finder and provides the correct matches.
* Index finders make the searching process too easy otherwise it is too difficult to search for different queries too fast from different pages.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void matrix(){
int row = 5, col = 6;
int myarr[row][col];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++){
if (i == 0){
myarr[i][x] = (x+1)*(x+1);
}else if ( x == 0){
myarr[i][x] = (i+1)*(i+1)*(i+1);
} else if ( i == x){
myarr[i][x] = (i+1);
} else{
myarr[i][x] = myarr[i-1][x] + myarr[i][x-1];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++){
cout<< myarr[i][x] << " ";
cout<< "\n";
int main(){
The C++ source code defines a two-dimensional array that has a fixed row and column length. The array is a local variable of the function "matrix" and the void function is called in the main program to output the items of the array.
ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
Answer:Python code: This will work for equations that have "+" symbol .If you want to change the code to work for "-" also then change the code accordingly. import re def readEquation(eq): terms = eq.s