Answer:A, creative problem solving
The correct answer to this one question is the following.
You did not mention what President's Ford speech you are referring to. We assume you are talking about the famous speech where he pardons Richard Nixon. If this is the case, then the correct answer is the following.
The summary of President Ford’s speech in no more than one complete sentence would be this.
President Gerald Ford made the difficult of granted pardon to former President Richard Nixon because he considered that a long trial and public scrutinize would only hurt America and increase the already noticed division and polarization of the American citizens.
Geral R. Ford publicly announced the pardon of Nixon on September 8, 1974.
The example of income inequality, and Global Issue, on this page is poverty and sexism. Purple Hibiscus- novel written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
There is an underlying sexism at work in Papa's abuse of family. When the mother tells Kambili she is pregnant, she tells her that she miscarried a few times after Kambili was born. And there's an enormous divide between poor and wealthy, which is tragically obvious in Abba, where most of the people live in poverty while huge mansions sit empty. Purple Hibiscus explores the problems of ethnic tensions and political unrest in Nigeria as parallels for coming of age and defining identity.
To know more about purple hibiscus click below:
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Disclaimer of opinion-disclaimer report.
Adverse opinion-adverse audit report.