They did not treat them with respect. they hit them with water hoses, clubs, spit on them etc...
the significance of Greenwood being nicknamed “The Black Wall Street” as B) it signified the financial success of the area
In the early 20th century, the present-day Greenwood Avenue was known as the Black Wall Street for its thriving economy, wholly propelled by the African American community. Under the Dawes Act, 1887 many African-Americans who were former slaves of tribes acquired land in this area. Others migrated to this area, which was now considered a haven for the black community, to escape racial oppression.
OW Gurley and JB Stradford are mainly credited to kick start the economic development of this place. Schools, hotels, furriers, posh restaurants, a library and other establishments of prosperity marked the streets of Greenwood.
New businesses cropped up with assistance from the affluent black community. This ensured that the money so created circulated first within the community. This made Greenwood entirely self-contained, reliant and an economic powerhouse and thus the name- Black Wall Street.
<span>The word for an array of nonaligned or friendly states that cushion or protect a larger country from invasion, as happened with the former soviet union and its eastern european neighbors is the buffer zone. It is created to specific areas that needs to be protected such as restrictions on the use of resources of that area and the country do its best to create measures to improve the conservation value of that area.</span>
The Ten Commandments are the supreme expression of God’s will in the Old Testament and merit our close attention. They are to be thought of not as the ten most important commands among hundreds of others, but as a digest of the entire Torah. The foundation of all the Torah rests in the Ten Commandments, and somewhere within them we should be able to find all the law. Jesus expressed the essential unity of the Ten Commandments with the rest of the law when he summarized the law in the famous words, “ 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matt. 22:37-40). All the law, as well as the prophets, is indicated whenever the Ten Commandments are expressed.
The essential unity of the Ten Commandments with the rest of the law, and their continuity with the New Testament, invites us to apply them to today’s work broadly in light of the rest of the Scripture. That is, when applying the Ten Commandments, we will take into account related passages of Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments.