The correct answer is:
1. The Federalist essays
4. The promise to create a Bill of Rights.
The Federalist essays or papers were written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay in the late 1780s. Those essays were sent under the pseudonym "Publius" to newspapers to influence the voters in favor of ratification of the Constitution of the United States arguing that it would help to give power to the federal government so it could act on behalf of the nation's interest and that it would preserve the Union, the essays also discussed general problems of politics, and were published all together as a book in 1788. The Federalist papers influenced doubtful states to ratify the Constitution.
<em>Anti federalists thought the Constitution gave too much power to the federal government</em>, and that it needed a Bill of Rights to make sure the federal government wouldn't abuse its power, so during the ratification process Massachusetts, Virginia and New York pressured for the creation of the Bill of Rights, and James Madison (federalist) agreed to write the Bill of Rights to ensure ratification of the United States Constitution.
Bartolomeu Dias was the first European explorer to sail around the southern tip of Africa discovering what is called the Cape of Good Hope. This discovery made it possible for Europeans to trade with Asia and India via water instead of across land, which was very expensive at the time.
I looked this up hope this is correct
The cosmological principle has first been clearly stated by <em>Isaac Newton </em>in the "<em>Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" </em>in 1687. He proved with mathematical proofs on detailed observational data the principle of “universal gravitation”. The oscillating theory is a cosmological model which suggests that the universe we live in is a one of an innumerable series.
Question: Which statement is true?
Answer: <u><em>B. The oscillating universe theory suggests that the universe will expand forever.
Domestic trends
There was an increased surge of nationalism in countries in Europe such as Spain under Franco, Italy under Mussolini and Germany under Hitler, which fueled dictatorial war ambitions. the financial conditions that hit the USA and European countries created conditions for hostility and conspiracies.
Foreign policy trends
increased imperialistic desires from European imperial powers and Japan increased tensions the weakness of the league of nation and the refusal of the usa to join it weakening it furtherthe formation of alliances also fueled tensionsthe policy of allied powers led by Neville chamberlain,called appeasement policy served to give the axis powers to prepare for war.