The randomness in the alignment of recombined chromosomes at the metaphase plate, coupled with the crossing over events between nonsister chromatids, are responsible for much of the genetic variation in the offspring. To clarify this further, remember that the homologous chromosomes of a sexually reproducing organism are originally inherited as two separate sets, one from each parent. Using humans as an example, one set of 23 chromosomes is present in the egg donated by the mother. The father provides the other set of 23 chromosomes in the sperm that fertilizes the egg. Every cell of the multicellular offspring has copies of the original two sets of homologous chromosomes. In prophase I of meiosis, the homologous chromosomes form the tetrads. In metaphase I, these pairs line up at the midway point between the two poles of the cell to form the metaphase plate. Because there is an equal chance that a microtubule fiber will encounter a maternally or paternally inherited chromosome, the arrangement of the tetrads at the metaphase plate is random. Thus, any maternally inherited chromosome may face either pole. Likewise, any paternally inherited chromosome may also face either pole. The orientation of each tetrad is independent of the orientation of the other 22 tetrads.
pyruvate and acetyl-CoA
The first step of respiration reactions is glycolysis. When glucose is broken down in glycolysis, the first molecule that is produced is pyruvate. If pyruvate continue to aerobic respiration, it must enter the matrix of mitochondria and be oxidised to Acetly Co-A.
This is confusing
man im sorry im not as smart as you
First, initiator protein unwinds a short stretch of the DNA double helix. <u>The length of the DNA double helix about to be copied must be unwound. </u> In addition, the two strands must be separated, much like the two sides of a zipper, by breaking the weak hydrogen bonds that link the paired bases. Once the DNA strands have been unwound, they must be held apart to expose the bases so that new nucleotide partners can hydrogen-bond to them. Then, a protein known as helicase attaches to and breaks apart the hydrogen bonds between the bases on the DNA strands, thereby pulling apart the two strands.
It is an attributes the skin to the underlying muscle and
tissue, stocks fat for energy source, stores fat for insulation, stores fat for
cushioning muscles and bones. The deepest layer of the integument system, layer
underneath the skin, vascular, composed of adipose C.T. and areolar CT, cells
are adipocytes and fibrocytes is called Subcutaneous layer. The answer is adipocytes
and fibrocytes.