Beowulf's deeds require tremendous courage. Beowulf's deeds require courage, because Beowulf was courageous enough to death with Grendel's mother. And almost of the deeds Beowulf's require courage.
It depends on the matter, such as how Susan B Anthony broke the law of being a woman voting in my eyes such thing is silly to be a law and to be arrested for, other matters such as murder, theft, and plenty of other things should never be okay to break the law for. I would only break the law over things I feel is ridiculous and it should be done such as what Susan did when she voted, I would've also voted as a woman because she did nothing wrong in my opinion. I may not have much personal experience so let's instead look at Rosa Parks who was arrested because she wouldn't give her seat up to a white person, heck I most certainly would not have to, when Rosa broke that "law" of not getting off her seat for the white person she did nothing wrong in that act but was still arrested for it and again in my eyes she did not do anything wrong by breaking that law.
Hope this helps i wrote it off the top of my head :) stay safe!!
The answer should be BARBARIC behavior
i have this same quiz if you can help me that would be great
What is the effect of the structure on the poem "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron?
Question 5 options:
By establishing a rather basic rhyme scheme in the poem, Byron is able to suggest the speaker's lack of complexity.
By organizing the poem into three short and even stanzas, Byron is able to convey the work's themes directly and succinctly.
By giving the poem an even and steady meter, Byron makes the speaker's great excitement even more obvious.
By breaking the poem into three stanzas, Byron allows readers to follow along as the speaker describes three different women.
BTW your answer is C : They show the speaker's feelings and behavior at the start of her marriage, when she was young and less mature.
Mindfulness allows one to be completely aware
The activity of mindfulness is from the category of meditation that allows the person to observe their environment and surrounds without thinking about the meaning or definition. It also allows the person to experience the presence without any judgement.
This is useful in everyday life since there are a number of interactions that may be interpreted as different ways by different persons. All these different schools of thought may cause conflict to arise but it the person practices mindfulness, there may be a way to overcome these difficulties.