In a very resilient response to the December 1979 Soviet Miliary interference into Afghanistan, President Jimmy Carter withdrew the SALT II treaty because it was his response to the invasion of Afghanistan. These actions specified that the US-Soviet association had been harshly damaged by the Russian action in Afghanistan and that the age of agreement had ended.
Answer: c. A a secondary group becoming a primary group.
The example above signifies a secondary group becoming a primary group. A primary group is a group whereby an individual shows love, support or concern towards others in the group e.g family, church groups etc. The relationships formed here are usually long lasting.
Secondary groups on the other hand are the large groups whereby members typically have impersonal relationships. Since Tristan later became friends with a number of the members and they spent times together, this shows that a secondary group becoming a primary group.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition which includes trouble with concentration, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
ADHD sometimes starts in childhood, and can continue in adulthood. This may lead to poor self-esteem, unstable relationships and school or job difficulties, it mostly affects children and teenagers, which can persist into adulthood. The most frequently diagnosed childhood psychiatric illness is ADHD. Children with ADHD are potentially hyperactive and unable to control their impulses. Or, they may have problems paying attentive.
People with ADHD may also have trouble focusing their attention on a single task or sitting still for long periods of time.
Explanation: Well, Lincoln did not respond directly to Taney's edict, but he did address the issue in his message to Congress that July. He justified the suspension through Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution, which specifies a suspension of the writ “when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.” So of course the answer is B). Lincoln suspended these rules because he felt it was necessary in order to put down the rebellion within the southern states. ❤️hope this helps❤️
Answer and explanation:
When assisting with the physical exam of a 1-year-old child, I believe that what the nurse would most possibly find something worth to be concerned about is, for example, the fact that a 1 year old child, a pre-schooler, has high levels of blood pressure.