to decide domestic and foreign policies.
The encomienda system was seen as a true trusteeship among the
population, as opposed to the repartimiento system which was seen as
abusive, and was thought to promote unethical behavior.
It was the abolition of serfdom and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. Those involve in the revolt were also against the crowning of Nicholas I and this later led to a confrontation between the rebels and loyal troops. The revolt was suppressed and many were arrested. Though it failed it helped start the movements for revolution in Russia.
Black Power/Rights
On 17th June, 1966, Stokely Carmichael, the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), spoke at a rally in Greenwood, Mississippi, and argued for Black Power. King turned to nonviolence such as marches, but King and the SCLC the problems were more highlighted in the north.