This is a matter of opinion. Do YOU think the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was worth it? Let's look at the factors.
What were some of the positives? Well, firstly, it ended World War II. That's kind of a big deal. In fact, it caused Japan not only to surrender, but UNCONDITIONALLY surrender. Basically, that means the US could ask Japan to do whatever it liked--which the US liked! Secondly, it was a triumph of science. The atomic bomb was a revolutionary work of science. Nothing like it had ever been made before, and it was all based on secrecy and theoretical science. The atomic bomb also <span>provided the basis for new, improved weapons, including the hydrogen bomb. </span>Thirdly, it helped establish the United States as a world power. Knowing about this super powerful weapon the US had, countries were likely to back off!
But there's a lot of negatives here, too. Keep in mind that most of these benefits were for the United States alone. Of course, there was one other BIG negative for the United States, and that's cost. The atomic bomb was worth billions of dollars! A second big one wasn't so much for the United States as for the world, especially Japan. When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the effects on the people and city were devastating. People were vaporized. Cities and buildings were flattened, and nothing is left but carnage. People died, their skin peeling off, from cancer and radiation. It was awful! Thirdly, it caused the arms race. Knowing the US had this super weapon, ALL the countries started building their own. Now, we pretty much live in fear of all the nuclear weapons there are today--which are hundreds of times more powerful each than the first bomb!
So what do you think? Was it worth it?
The three main beliefs at the center of Judaism are Monotheism, Identity, and covenant (an agreement between God and his people). The most important teachings of Judaism is that there is one God, who wants people to do what is just and compassionate.
- Do you see the people who follow/are a part of this religion as bad people?
- What does the afterlife look like in your religion/belief?