Goddess of the sky
Nut is a daughter of the air god shu and the moisture god tefnut. Her brother and husband is Geb. She had four or, in some sources, five children: Osiris, Set, Isis, Nephthys, and in some sources Horus.
La bipolaridad internacional causada por la Guerra Fría, que se desarrolló desde 1945 hasta 1991, tuvo como consecuencia principal la caída del comunismo del pedestal político en el que se encontraba hasta ese momento. El comunismo, en su esencia, fue derrotado por el capitalismo democrático defendido por el bloque occidental y, por lo tanto, perdió influencia en los países en los cuales se encontraba funcionando hasta ese momento. Así, países de Europa del Este gradualmente fueron dejando atrás el comunismo, y comenzaron a abrazar sistemas de mercado: liberalismo, socialdemocracia, etc.
Además, proscribió el uso de armas nucleares en el ámbito internacional, toda vez que la tensión generada en dicho período histórico llevó a severas restricciones y controles en la posesión y utilización de materiales bélicos nucleares.
Historians have argued that the settlement of the English colonies was
undertaken in a haphazard manner, with little regard to the geography,
climate, peoples, or practical demands of the New World. this is true, the basis for the setelers coming to America was haphazard. They came to America to seek refuge from the Huge restrictions of the British monarchy. When they got here they did nothing but Industrialize start wars and kill Indians. When they first came they brought with them deadly (to the Indians) diseases, and also contracted deadly diseases. That happened for a good decade. After that they continued to go about steeling the land form the Indians and turning it into their land. The made countless treaties and broke almost all of them. Then they fought for independence and won leaving everything in shambles. After that came the great industrialization which drained energy and lively hood out of the geography. Every thing down to the very reason they came was done in a very haphazard way.
Hope this helps, wrote it my self you can use it. </span>
number 1 Both faced economic depression