Boolean Operators
When performing a boolean search, boolean operators allow users to combine keywords with operators (or modifiers) such as AND, NOT and OR to further produce more relevant results.
The boolean operators AND and OR are used to include certain words and phrases during the search while the boolean operator NOT is used to exclude certain words and phrases.
From Networkopoint of view, a node is a redistribution point or communication point or a connection point.
It can also mean devices or data points on a large network Such as laptop, phones, printers, etc
What was the content of the lesson? It is hard to answer a question we need context on.
Your answer is System Software. Hope this helps.
The answers of the following are:
1. The answer is Linux. It is not an Operating System.
2. Windows XP 2000 and Windows XP Home Edition have the same interface design.
3. Linux is the operating systems which is considered to be open source.
4. Mac OS is an operating system which is considered to be the most popular with graphic and multimedia designers
5. The software programis the number and variety of programs available for a particular operating system.