B. Monitor backlighting
The computer system is a machine that can digitally receive input, process the inputted data and display and save results. The computer system is a physical system driven by a software component.
The computer hardware components are classified as input unit or devices, output unit, memory and storage unit, and processing unit. The screen is an output unit of the computer system, it displays the output or result of the processed data.
The power supply to the screen, in this context, is not faulty due to the other screen used in testing the supply and input connectors. The back light on the screen has failed and that is why the brightness can not be adjusted.
He can increase the thickness of the paint on the apples.
Or he can use glossier finish on the apples to make them stand out...
You must stop at the intersection and proceed when you are aware that other turning or approaching vehicles,bicycles or pedestrians have stopped.
The purpose of the conclusion paragraph is not only to wrap up the essay, but also to show the strong and central points in the essay alone. Since you are wrapping up the essay, it's your final paragraph and you have to clearly state all of your points and what and why the essay is written (depends on what you are talking about). But, the one purpose of an essay's conclusion is to clearly state the central points of the essay.