Answer: The society's program focused on purchasing and freeing slaves, paying their passage (and that of free blacks) to the west coast of Africa, and assisting them after their arrival there.
In 1821, after a failed colonizing attempt the previous year and protracted negotiations with local chiefs, the society acquired the Cape Mesurado area, subsequently the site of Monrovia, Liberia. Some saw colonization as a humanitarian effort and a means of ending slavery, but many antislavery advocates came to oppose the society, believing that its true intent was to drain off the best of the free black population and preserve the institution of slavery.
This will help u answer this
crowding out : is a situation where personal consumption of goods and services and investments by busimess are reduced bc of increase in government spending and deflicts financing sucking available financial resources and raing inserts rates
the part of a ship providing accommodations for passengers with the cheapest tickets.
D. They have used irrigation to carry water from rivers to crops.
Irrigated agriculture is widespread in North Africa, about 28% of farmlands in North Africa are irrigated. For example, Libya has the largest irrigation project in the world, called the Great Man-Made River which supplies farmlands across Libya with freshwater for cultivation.
People in North Africa essentially, irrigated farming to make their land more suitable for agriculture.