In agreement with the Declaration of the Human Rights, drafted at the very beginning of the French Revolution, slavery was abolished in the French colonies overseas. For some strange reason Napoleon Bonaparte revoked that decree in 1802 during the Consulate, which resulted in the slave revolt of Haiti and ensuing independence in 1803.
Henry is described as a "war devil" in the Red Badge of Courage because he loads and shoots and reloads and shoots and shoots until his rifle is so hot. He runs towards the enemy without any regard for his life, so that’s why he is described as a madman, a “war-devil”.
Jesus turned his body and blood into wine and bread. What he means is that whenever you receive the eucharist you are showing your belief in the lord, and will continue to do so until he returns.
Because the U.S supposedly helped other countries
A duty is what you owe to your fellow human as a fact of nature, and an obligation is what has been imposed by contract or custom. Generally, one is “obliged,” or “obligated,” by agreement or because of having received a benefit. If you take candy from a store, you have an obligation to pay for it.