Mala believes that education gives you freedom and independence..... choices for your future. I completely agree with her summation.
When you don't get an education, your life is very much controlled by others.
The industrial revolution lead to major economic changes and growth. Due to the rise of new technology, many job opportunities were available. Immigrants especially those who were entering the US during the 1800's, were able to find work on railroads. Eventually as more modern day technology was proposed to society, individuals were able to benefit in their work field and at home. For example the light bulb, allowed homes to run with electricity and the telephone made long distance communication much simpler. These new inventions allowed the nation to develop a stronger military and navy, which improves the nations economy during times of war.
In the long-term the Revolution would also have significant effects on the lives of slaves and free blacksas well as the installation of slavery itself. Its also affected Native Americans by opening up western settlement and creating government hostile to their terriorial claims .
greater than or equal to 1
i would chose evangelion ig