UPDATE acctmanager WHERE amid = 'J500';
The statement written above is not valid SQL statement because there is no SET after UPDATE. Update is always used with SET.If you are updating something then you need to specify the value with which that value should be replaced.
UPDATE acctmanager SET amname = UPPER(amname);
This statement does not contains WHERE clause but it will run all the values of amname column will get updated in the table acctmanager.
The answer is choice “a. True”.
The following pseudocode for this method using operations of the ADT list would be the following
swap(aList, indexI, indexJ) {
initialize temp_variable = Retrieve(indexI, aList)
Insert(Retrieve(indexJ, aList), indexI, aList)
Insert(Retrieve(indexI, aList), temp_variable, aList)
This code basically saves the aList index of i , into a temporary Variable. Then it sets the aList index of i to the value of the element in index of j. Then it does the same for the index of j with the tem_variable. If we assume that the indexes of i and j exist, then it can crash our entire program if those indexes are missing from the list when we try to access them.
The NIC is disabled in CMOS
CMOS refers to the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. It is a technology that is used to generated integrated circuits.
It can be found in various types like microprocessors, batteries, etc
While on the other hand the NIC refers to the network interface controller in which the component of the computer hardware has connected the computer to its network. It can be done via wired and wireless.
Since in the given situation, it is mentioned that Ellen is not able to access the internet through wireless NIC neither it is visible in network connections nor it is shown in device manager so first she assumes that is nic is disabled in CMOS
and the same is to be considered