Viking used Viking ships to land in france
Most came with their own money and training
If you mean the Missouri means that there'll be an invisible 36'30 degree parallel line that'll divide the South territory of the U.S. (South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Kentuck, etc.) and the North territories of the US (New England, Ohio, Pennsylvannia, etc). The purpose of that divison is to decided witch state will have slave and which will have no slave. Any states that comes into the US below the 36'30 parallel line will become a slave state, and those above the line will be a free state. This will maintain the balance in the government between southern and northern represenatives. It also gave more power to the federal goverment as they can decided wheter or not to let a state join in as slave or free. Instead of having the states choose. Hope that helps:)
The French were in terms of friendly with the Natives Indians. Their main occupations in America was for trade with the Natives and to forge an alliance. Both respected each other religion with a peaceful convert.
The British response to the Native Indians, not friendly like the French, the westward expansion led in revolts and war between them. Southern colonies regularly attacked Indians on the frontier. Much of the Indians land was taken away by the colonists. Culturally Indians were considered to be wild and not allowed to mix up with the colonies.
The Spanish response to the Indians was harsh and brutal. The Spanish Conquistadors robed the resources from the land and opened mines and trading system to gain wealth and forced the Natives to work in mines and fields. Culturally it was more favored with intermarriages between the Native and Spaniard led in the new ethnic group called mestizos.
Cattle drives were at one time a major economic activity in the American West, particularly between the years 1866-1895, when 10 million cattle were herded from Texas to railheads in Kansas for shipments to stockyards in Chicago and points east.