A. Click on the Print icon at the top of the screen
Instruction in memory has two parts: opcode and operands. The operands are subjects of the operation, such as data values, registers, or memory addresses. Due to variety of opcodes and operands, instructions may occupy different sizes of bytes in memory
Front-end the part with which the user interacts.
usually people who write this are called layout designers what languages are used (Html, css, js)
Beck-end The northern part is the structure of the site due to which it works, this includes the DBMS, logic, etc. which languages will be used(python, php, java)
People who can do both are called: full stack developr
Solution :
public Book(, String author, , int ) {
this. = ;
this. = ;
this. = ;
this. = ;
b). getTitle() {
return ;
setTitle() {
this. = ;
getAuthor() {
return author;
setAuthor(String author) {
this. = ;
getPublisher() {
return ;
setPublisher(String ) {
this. =;
public int get() {
return ;
set(int ) {
this. = ;
Answer: 5G high bands (mmWave, also referred to as FR2) are found in the range of 24GHz to 40GHz. They deliver large quantities of spectrum and capacity over the shortest distances