Bayesian filtering
This is a type of filtering software that makes use of Bayesian logic to evaluate every incoming email that you receive, analyzing the header and content of the email to determinate if it is spam or not. It uses a preset of common words that are present in most spam emails, and it categorizes all received emails according to their probability to contain spam in trusted, or not trusted email. These categories are usually set by the user.
In short, Bayesian logic uses the knowledge acquired from past events to try to predict future events. Determinate the probability of success (from 0 to 100%) of a certain activity, according to the result of prior tests. It was first suggested in 1763 after the death of its creator Thomas Bayes, and it is widely spread across several different sciences such as programming, artificial intelligence, physics, etc.
<u>The wireless network:</u>
Wireless networking and internet access are essentials when it comes to the smooth functioning of an enterprise. Certain information can be transferred from one computer to another within a specified if they are connected to a network.
In this case, as the company shares the building with the branch office of a rival company there may be repercussions. First of all, the company's wireless network should be equipped with a strong password and it should be changed regularly too.
Next, the officials responsible for networking should also monitor the range of their wireless network. There is no point in keeping the range of wireless network wide as it is to be used by employees only and they can access it on the company's premises.
Using the knowledge of computational language in python it is possible to write a code that write (define) a public static method named countup, that takes one int argument and returns no value.
<h3>Writting the code:</h3>
<em>public class </em><em>Main</em>
<em>public static void main(</em><em>String</em><em>[] args) {</em>
<em>// testing the method </em><em>countDown </em><em>with values 5, 6, 1</em>
<em />
<em>public static void </em><em>countDown</em><em>(int num)</em>
<em>for (int i=1 ; i<=num ; i++) // for </em><em>loop </em><em>iterates from 1 to num</em>
<em>System.out.print(i+","); // prints num followed by comma ,</em>
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They provide us with ways to communicate, display, and work with information more quickly and accurately.
Productivity programs helps in the provision of information and they also help in increasing productivity by making work less stressful and unambiguous. Examples of productivity programs include design programs and spreadsheet tools.
These programs also create an avenue for providing us with ways to communicate, display and work with information more quickly and accurately.
Answer: D, computer science
Explanation: Computer engineering is a specific field of computer science, as well as B and Software Engineering