1. Paul - C - Paul (Saul) witnessed Stephen's preaching and his death "consenting unto his death." <em>Acts 8</em>.
2. Luke - A - He wrote the book of Acts: "the former treatise ha I made...of all that Jesus began both to do and teach. <em>Acts 1.</em>
3. Philip - D - he was one of the chosen deacons, and later preached to the Ethiopian eunuch. <em>Acts 8</em>
4. Eyewitnesses - B- "to whom also he shewd himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days..." <em>Acts 1.</em>
5. James - E - he was one those filled with the Holly Ghost in the day of Pentacost. <em>Acts 1 and 2</em>.
City states the second blank Florida and the third is Texas.