Davy Crockett
The legendary frontiersman and Tennessee congressman Davy Crockett opposed the Indian Removal Act, declaring that his decision would “not make me ashamed in the Day of Judgment.” he also wrote a letter criticizing the removal act.
To break a tie vote on a bill
The president of the Senate is allowed to vote on legislative matters in order to break a tie vote on a bill.
Under Article I, section 3 of the constitution, The vice president of the United states shall be the president of the state, but shall have no vote; unless they be equally divided.
The president of the senate presides over the senate only on ceremonial occasions or when a tie-breaking vote may be needed.
In a televised speech on the blessed Feast of Mab’ath of the Holy Prophet of Islam, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution delineated the aims of this great gift of God (prophecy of Muhammad) as "divine rule, human growth, establishment of justice and the creation of a purified life". Pointing to the logical need of establishing a political system to achieve these great goals, he said that the Islamic Revolution has revived the line of prophecy of the Holy Prophet, through the initiative and courage of its great leader (Imam Khomeini) and it is for this very reason that it has faced constant hostility from the evil powers of the world. However, their enmities will be defeated by the power of our insight and perseverance on the straight path.
Congratulating people on the occasion of Eid al-Mab’ath, Ayatollah Khamenei, said: "In the missions of all the prophets, there were great divine goals such as monotheism which is at the top, then spiritual purification, education of human beings, the establishment of justice, the creation of a purified life, (meaning the growth and flourishing of intellect and science), achieving peace of mind, having material comfort, the security of the living environment, well-being and happiness, and the spiritual development of human beings.
By emphasizing that the goals of the prophets cannot be achieved by words alone, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution said: "The prophets had to create social relations for this very important matter, which of course aslo require power and political system
Answer: They rise and sometimes own large parts of land and then civil revolt happens and they fall