Academicians were often cautious about airing the ethical dilemmas they faced in their research and academic work, but that environment is changing today. Psychologists in academe are more likely to seek out the advice of their colleagues on issues ranging from supervising graduate students to how to handle sensitive research data, says George Mason University psychologist June Tangney, PhD.
Because of his new position as lieutenant governor
Melvin Thompson fought Herman Talmadge on who should become the governor of Georgia after the then Governor elect died. This was in 1946, I'm Melvin's argument he thought he should be made the governor because he had been elected as the lieutenant governor of Georgia. Herman was made governor but this was only temporary. He was later removed and Melvin became the governor.
1 Live in a high crime area
2 Have an abusive partner
The House of Representatives was using the impeachment to make charges against Thomas Porteous.
As established in Article I of the Constitution of the United States, Impeachment is the proper process through which federal officials who do not adequately fulfill their functions of government can be dismissed.
This process is initiated by the House of Representatives, which has the power to approve by simple majority the charges presented by Congress to the person to be subjected to the impeachment. Subsequently, the Senate is the body that decides regarding the guilt of the officer or not, in which case he or she is removed from the position.