def prime_generator(s, e):
for number in range(s, e+1):
if number > 1:
for i in range(2, number):
if (number % i) == 0:
I believe you want to ask the prime numbers between s and e.
- Initialize a for loop that iterates from s to e
- Check if the number is greater than 1. If it is, go inside another for loop that iterates from 2 to that number. If the module of that number to any number in range (from 2 to that number) is equal to 0, this means the number is not a prime number. If the module is not equal to zero, then it is a prime number. Print the number
There is no longer any doubt at this point that technology in education is absolutely necessary, because, thanks to technological advances in this area, we have more tools to offer more attractive and competent learning models. Teachers have more resources than whiteboards, chalks and books, while students learn by having fun, adapting to their digital environments. We will see below the new challenges that this entails in education and what are its benefits.
You do not have options please be more in depth it would help me with your question.
The following are the description of storing bits into Hard-disk.
As we know computer only know the binary language, that is in the form of zero's and once's "0's and 1's". In the hard drive, it requires a magnetically covered rotating disc, that's "head" passes over its platter.
- It marked 0's and 1's on the platter as tiny electronic areas in the north.
- Its head goes to the very same location to read its information again, the north and south places pass there and assume from the 0s and 1s which are contained.