In the nineteenth century, in an era known as the Second Great Awakening, philanthropic and charitable efforts grew across the United States. Part of this humanitarian effort focused on educating disabled people. Construction of boarding schools and institutions for deaf and blind students slowly spread across the country and children once considered uneducable now received formal instruction. Nevertheless, the education of deaf and blind people was controversial. Many questioned the influences of public and private funding on the schools as well as the practice of committing children to an institution at a young age, when meant removing them from their families. Varying teaching strategies for deaf and blind children were also debated.
A free market system is where the government has no rule over the market system and canot make eny rules on it
Nationalism heightened in the 19th century and heading into the 20th century. The nationalistic fervor by people in Europe had them each viewing their own nations as better than the others, in competition with the others. This would lead to an increase in tension between the nations.
Imperialism expanded on that nationalistic rivalry by carrying their competition to other parts of the globe. The nations of Europe sought to grab control for themselves over parts of Asia and Africa. When war erupted, that also meant it would become a world war because the European nations would include people from their imperial territories in the war.
Militarism grew ever more potent as the 20th century opened. The competition between nations included a massive arms race in terms of expanding armies and navies. The nations also sided up in competing military alliances and made military battle plans as to how they might fight a war if war came. When a cause for war broke out, all those preparations propelled the nations of Europe into war recklessly.
yes they do and many people alsongive out gifts