“Lady Lazarus” As a Representative of Death: The poem details the tragic life of a lady and she was trying to end herself. She says that she has tried to end herself many time, but surprisingly survived every time. She asks those who saved her from peeling off the napkin from her face and see her wounded soul.
Bringing in emotions.
Maria has an emotional connection to car accidents that prevents her from listening effectively.
According to an article on Bright Hub Project Management, "Emotions erect barriers to effective communication. A listener's senses are not likely to be functioning at their optimum level when he or she is angry. Likewise, it is not possible to understand or appreciate what the speaker is saying if the listener is excessively sad."
After “because,” you always want to put an explanation.
Question: What does the author mean by stating, ”because of their immaturity and skewed judgment, we limit children's rights to vote, to drink alcohol, to join the armed forces, to marry and to enter into contracts...”?
Answer: This phrase reads confusing upon stating the limits of Children’s rights. There are no references that offers the reader more detail to describe a specific age range, ethnicity of origin, tradition and time period. If I were to suppose that the author refers to a child of present from birth to the age of eighteen residing in the United States, then simple science suggests children are not physically & emotionally grown, adequately educated, formally socialized or permitted by law to make such informed decisions with regards to these adult privileges in today’s society. On the other hand, neither are adults over the age of eighteen. This does not mean children cannot have advanced maturity through life experiences although these rights remain unlawful.