c) It introduces a premature stop codon into the mRNA
Nonsense mutation is a type of point mutation (single nucleotide base is changed) which leads to premature stop codon. Stop codons are also called nonsense codons and that is way this type of mutation is called nonsense mutation. As a consequence, synthesized protein is incomplete and shorter than it should be (truncated protein), usually nonfunctional.
Emotion is one of the responses of an organism (whole) which
involves physiological arousal. Other than indicating emotion, physiological
arousal or heightened physiological activity is modernly used in polygraphs.
Polygraphs or lie detector notes changes in blood pressure, pulse, respiration
while the subject is asked and answers questions. It is based on the assumption
that dishonest answers are indicated with physiological arousal.
2 meters
on the table, the number to the left of 24 is 2, showing its 2 meters in 24 seconds
<span>In the "all or none" law of muscle contraction, it states that when the stimulus applied exceeds threshold then the the nerve sending signals to a few muscle fibers will give a complete response; contraction. Graded response is dependent on how many motor units have been recruited. The more motor units, the greater the force in the contraction.</span>