1. O<span>ne leader works for the good of the people- <span><em><u>Monarchy</u></em>
</span>A monarchy refers to a type of government where a monarch (king or queen) has authority as head of the state. In a monarchy, the king or queen and his or her family (known as the royal family), have authority. Once the current king or queen dies, his or her offspring inherit typically the title of the monarch. Countries including Thailand, the United Kingdom and Denmark are monarchies. </span><span> 2. One leader works for his own benefit - <span><em><u>Tyranny</u></em>
</span></span>A tyranny is a harsher form of government, where one leader, who is typically harsh and cruel abuses power when leading a country. A tyranny is also known as a dictatorship. The most famous example of a tyranny government is North Korea, where the ruler, <span> Kim Jong-un is notorious for his dictatorship. In tyranny, citizens are oppressed, treated harshly and denied certain rights and privileges. </span> 3. Afew working for the good of the people - <em><u>A</u></em><em><u>ristocracy</u></em>
An aristocratic government refers to one in which the highest classes of individuals, especially those of noble blood with hereditary titles and offices head the state and hold maximum power. Aristocratic governments are not commonly found in today's world, however some previous aristocratic governments include: <span>The Brahman caste (noble upper class) in </span>India<span>, the Spartiates in </span>Sparta<span>, etc. </span> 4. A few working for their own benefit - <span><em><u>Oligarchy</u></em>
</span>An oligarchy government refers to one in which power and authority lies in the hands of few powerful individuals such as: <span>elite class landowners, nobles, etc. In an oligarchical government, those in power often abuse it and use it for their own benefit, rather the citizens' benefit. Examples of oligarchy countries include China, Venezuela and the former Soviet Union. </span> 5. The rule of many for the benefit of all - <span><em><u>Polity</u></em>
</span>A polity government system refers to one in which a large group of people unitedly share equal power and authority when running a country. A polity can include: state governments, federal governments, empires, etc. Countries with a polity government system include: Germany, Cuba, Croatia, Bhutan, etc. <span> 6. Dangerous mob self rule - <em><u>Democracy</u></em>
</span>A democracy refers to a type of government in which citizens hold maximum power and authority by either freely electing and voting members of the government, or by direct ruling. While Aristotle defined democracies as : "dangerous mob self rule", this is not necessarily true, since democracies are not always dangerous or chaotic. Countries such as the United States, Italy, South Korea and India are democracies.
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Below are the answers:
1. one leader works for the good of the people - monarchy<span> 2. one leader works for his own benefit - </span>tyranny<span> 3. a few working for the good of the people - </span><span>aristocracy</span><span> 4. a few working for their own benefit - </span>oligarchy<span> 5. the rule of many for the benefit of all - </span>polity<span> 6. dangerous mob self rule - </span>democracy
<span>In the situation in which Carl has been getting C's and lower grades on his tests and assignments all term he should ask himself the question: </span><span>If his study habits are effective? Answering this question will </span>help him to identify the cause of his poor grades. Maybe he isn't studying the way he should do.
Cooperative play is considered to be an activity or process of early children, wherein they follow the rules of a certain activity and they have a cooperative outcome, wherein there is no cheating and that everybody plays fair. The activity will be considered as an organized one.