A clickable text or image that takes you to a different site is called a Hyperlink or simply a Link.
Cloud computing, also known as cloud services, cloud concepts or simply the cloud, is a paradigm that allows to offer computer services. through a network, which is usually the Internet.
(data persistence, authentication, messaging, etc.). for example, a Linux system, a web server, and a programming environment such as Perl or Ruby).
Commercial examples are Google App ,Microsoft Azure,
class PersonInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.num_kids = 0
def inc_num_kids(self):
self.num_kids += 1
person1 = PersonInfo()
print('Kids:', person1.num_kids)
print('New baby, kids now:', person1.num_kids)
Line 1 of the code, we define the class PersonInfo. Line 3 of the code is the function that will increment the member data num_kids.
True because printers, which require paper, are becoming more expensive. A paperless society has the advantage of being cheaper in this aspect.