Large horizontal disparities. Most of the tax bases in Nepal are concentrated in and around Kathmandu and the borders between Nepal and India. Moreover, there is poor connectivity between other provinces and Kathmandu. The challenge is to incentivize equitable economic growth and provision of public and merit services.
Answer: d. Physical depreciation
The allowance of the use of the second hand materials showed the materials met the standard required but this is subjective as the material life span has been shortened due to existing usage of the material.
Answer by Mimiwhatsup: B.They attacked Portuguese ships and trading posts.
Why: When Portugal built a global empire other countries attacked Portuguese ships and trading posts.
Answer is B they make-up all matter
Answer: Option (C)
Progressivism is referred to as the or known as the support or advocacy for the social reform. As the discipline under philosophy, it is mostly based or inclined towards the notion of progress, that tends to asserts advancements in the technology, science, social organization and economic development are important to the improvement and development of human condition.