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Categorical Imperative; Immanuel Kant
Kant´s moral theory - influenced by the French Enlightenment Rationalism is based on the central idea that the only intrinsically good thing is a good will which is subject to the moral law.
The Categorical Imperative is his construction of moral law, following the principle of universalizability (applied to all people) and that of humanity - never treat other humans as a means to an and. It is therefore not surprising that Feminism used this part of Kantian Perspective on Ethics to condemn certain practices regarding women, because they treat women as means.
In simple terms, a PIL is a petition that an individual or a non-government organisation or citizen groups, can file in the court seeking justice in an issue that has a larger public interest. It aims at giving common people an access to the judiciary to obtain legal redress for a greater cause
Option A
It is a direct approach to conflict.
Martha thinks it is better to get angry rather than hide or suppress her feelings, so that her husband knows she really cares about the issue.
What makes option A the best answer, is because she does not want to hide the details from the issue, she prefers to let it out of the bag than keeping it in and it keeps burning until the un-usual happens which is not always the best method to resolve conflicts.
It is direct because she believes its better her husband knows she is angry and then settle the matter than allowing the issue to keep burning inside of her. it is direct because the matter made her angry and she is expressing it other than neglecting it.