The creation of distinctive classes in the North drove striking new cultural developments. Even among the wealthy elites, northern business families, who had mainly inherited their money, distanced themselves from the newly wealthy manufacturing leaders. Regardless of how they had earned their money, however, the elite lived and socialized apart from members of the growing middle class. The middle class valued work, consumption, and education and dedicated their energies to maintaining or advancing their social status. Wage workers formed their own society in industrial cities and mill villages, though lack of money and long working hours effectively prevented the working class from consuming the fruits of their labor, educating their children, or advancing up the economic ladder.
The US had the strongest Navy and dominated both the Pacific and the Atlantic uncontested; this didn't change throughout the Cold War, even though naval technologies changed a lot (nuclear subs, etc), and the USSR invested heavily in surface and submarine navies.
Americans had a number of reasons to fear communism in the 1950s. First, the Soviets had demonstrated in 1949 that they had a nuclear capacity. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fresh in Americans' minds, leading the US to fear the Soviets would launch a nuclear war with a mutually assured destruction that would destroy both countries.
The Aztec were from Russia and were ruthless they had wars with anyone that came near them. They had wars with George Washington and Queen Elizabeth. They were also extremely skilled at hunting so they never starved.