The total number of hours worked by an average factory worker has fallen over the years
there will be a surplus of retail workers in this labor market.
In the attached diagram the scenario is illustrated.
When the minimum wage is above the equilibrium wage it means that the minimum wage is above what employees are willing to pay workers. So employees will be less wiling to pay this amount.
There will be a reduction in the number of available slots for workers.
On the other hand workers will receive higher wage than they expected but since the slots for work are now limited there will be a surplus of labour in the market
If sales fall by 20% AFC raises 38 cents per paper, i.e. a 25% increase in AFC.
To find the average fixed cost (AFC), we have to sum all fixed costs and divide it by the amount of units produced. Fixed costs are those that don't depend on how much is produced, in this case, rental and labor cost don't depend on output, as you can neither move to a cheaper place nor decrease labor obligations even if the factory had no output (newspapers printed).

We can see that as the output reduced, AFC rose 38 cents per paper or a 25% increase in AFC.
B. Because the government can't and shouldn't control the prices of items or which items and services are sold, they should lay down the ground rules of trading, buying, and selling, so that they Can prevent monopolies and collusion.
Anyone can be a victim of fraud, there are sime out there that are sophisticated fraudsters and have created websites, etc that look legitimate with a security certification off of google.