Your circulatory system, which is consists of your heart, blood and blood vessels, are responsible for transporting nutrients to the cells of your body. Specifically, nutrients are transported throughout your body<span> through your blood via capillaries, tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to veins.
</span><span>You get some of the water in your body through the foods you eat. Some of the water is made during the process of metabolism. You also get water through liquid foods and beverages, such as soup, milk, tea, coffee, soda, drinking water, and juices. Alcohol is not a good source of water because it is a diuretic.</span>
health belief model
The Health Belief Model, developed in the 1950s by US public health social psychologists, has been considered among cognitive models as one of the most widely researched to explain and predict health behaviors. Health beliefs refer to the perceived susceptibility and severity of the disease in question, and the perceived benefits and barriers to disease prevention or treatment behaviors. It is the health belief model that explains why a young woman who smokes is unlikely to quit because she does not think she will suffer from lung disease and quitting will result in weight gain.
They're immune system has become used to it
Watching endless hours of TV.
Withdrawing from friends or partners or, conversely jumping into a frenzied social life to avoid facing problems.
Overeating or weight gain.
Undereating or weight loss.
Sleeping too much.
Drinking too much alcohol.
Lashing out at others in emotionally or physically violent outbursts.