you have to provide the articles
you didn't put the articles
Politics and economic factors seldom play a role in where people settle
Resources availability influences where people settle
In order for a settlement to be formed, it has to provide certain basic living conditions so that the humans can live there. This brings in the question of availability of resources such as water, food, fertile soil, minerals, raw materials.
More often than not, these resources are found along the rivers, especially the larger ones, so it is no wonder that the majority of the settlements around the world are along the rivers.
The political and economic factors too play a very big role in the settlement patterns. If the political conditions are good, the population feels safe, and it has good condition for development, than the settlements will grow and prosper, but if its the opposite, the people will move out and the settlements will seize to exist. The economic factors are crucial, as they are the ones that provide conditions for prosper and development of the settlements. With good economic conditions, the settlements will grow, with bad ones, the settlements will lose population or even stop to exist.
These eruptions ejected massive amounts of heat-trapping gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, enabling runaway global warming and related effects such as ocean acidification and anoxia, a loss of dissolved oxygen in water.
E.) Mesosphere, Asthenosphere, Outer layer
Unfortunately there is no standard terminology for three mantle layers.
<span>I can be sure that "ionosphere" and "thermosphere" refer </span>
<span>only to atmospheric layers, so you can rule out A, B, and D. </span>
<span>"Mesosphere" may be used to refer to an atmospheric layer, </span>
<span>but is also often used to refer to a mantle layer. </span>
, </span>
<span>so I'll go with E even though I don't like it much. </span>
<span>I guess what is meant by "outer layer" is the part of the lithosphere </span>
<span>that does not match crustal composition.</span>