Caracas, Venezuela is the capital of Venezuela
1. Imagine you were an archaeologist working with Sir Leonard Woolley in Iraq. Which of the discoveries do you think was the most exciting? Which discovery helped you most in determining what had happened to the people whose remains you found? Explain your answer.
Answer: I did a little more research about this I think that when I he found 1800 tombs at a Sumer grave and out of all those found 12 royal graves do you know how hard those are to find and he got twelve of them.
2. Suppose you were a historian studying ancient Sumer. How would your work be different from Woolley’s work?
Answer: Woolley was an archeologist if you want to be a historian you have to be kind of on that line but you study it more and figure out what it made of and all that stuff.
3. Sir Leonard Woolley worked on excavating Ur for twelve years. What years were they?
Answer: 1922 to 1934
4. What kinds of changes do you think will occur in the work of archaeologists in the next hundred years?
Answer: I think that archaeologist will find house, rock, and more fossils and maybe even plant that have been console in the soil.
5. Which work would you prefer, the work of the historian or the archaeologist? Why?
Answer: I will like to be an archaeologist is better because I can feel the stuff and be happy that I have found it.
Explanation: I did a lot of research to answer this question. Maybe next time go to Wikipedia it maybe be long to read but it worth It when you get an A RIGHT!
Some of the animals present in Russia are tiger, leopard, snow leopard, Pallas's cat, grey wolf, dohl, brown bear, red squirrel, wild boar, saiga, Eurasian elk, walrus, Eurasian beaver, and many more.
Much of the world relies on non-renewable energy to heat their homes, power their electronic devices, and power their cars. Once these energy sources are used up, they will be gone forever. Developing technologies that can efficiently use renewable energy sources is critical to our future.
However, it is also important to consider how these resources can be used long term. Some resources will practically never run out. These are known as renewable resources. Renewable resources also produce clean energy, meaning less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.
Since the desert has dunes of sand.
Sorry if I get it wrong I didn't exactly get the question at first, also, good luck.