Growth is always the primary result of cell division
The correct answer would be - 38 calories.
If it’s DNA than the transcription is TCTAACTGT
If it’s RNA than it’s UCUAACUGU
These are called carrier proteins, and they have what it is called: solute-binding sites, that when saturated, they are considered "full".
Each different amino acid needs a separate carrier protein to move it across the plasma membrane, so that's 3, then the four different sugars need separate carriers as well, we add 4 more then, we have 7 so far, finally the 2 different ions use 2 more, plus the other 7, totals 9.
<span>A vesícula biliar é uma estrutura em forma de pêra, oca localizada sob o fígado e no lado direito do abdômen. Sua principal função é armazenar e concentrar a bile, uma enzima digestiva marrom-amarela produzida pelo fígado. A vesícula biliar é parte do trato biliar.</span>