A problem can be personal or emotional.
It can be difficult to identify a problem because it can be personal or emotional. For example, your brain may force out certain thoughts that may harm you. Therefore, it can be very hard or impossible to identify and emotional or personal problem.
The information is maintained by a government organization.
Information Organization is an organizational activity that maintained all the information from one or more sources. Organizational information involved a variety of stakeholders who are responsible for assuring quality, knowledge, and utility. These stakeholders are responsible for their safety and disposal. it includes planning, organizing, structuring, processing, evaluation and reporting the information activities. provide the information who is needed and depend on the functions of information activities. It is closely related and overlapped with the management of data, system, technology and d process.
This scenario is related to this following source and type <u>Source - Statutory, Type – Civil</u>.
Option: B
Statutory Law is a source law which is a written law that is passed by a legislature’s body as an opposition to the oral or customary law or a regulatory law pronounced by the common law of the judiciary or the executives. It can be originated either with local municipalities or state legislatures or national legislatures.
Civil is the type of law which deals with rules body which defines and protects the private rights of the citizens of the nation. It provides legal reforms to resolve or solve any dispute. Contracts, torts, properties and family laws come under this type of law. In the above scenario there is a dispute between Alex and Reese. The property of the Alex is damaged so, Alex wanted to take Reese to court and solve this problem. If there are any disputes then civil type of law deals with it.
1. The downward mobility of welfare recipients is also an instance of gendered mobility. (Feliciano and Rumbaut 2005).
2. Whether the second generation Haitians and West Indians who assimilate into African American groups are therefore downwardly mobile is actually an empirical question that still needs to be studied.
3. The Irish who came to America early in the 19th century were redefined as white by driving blacks out of the occupations and industries in which they had served as the cheapest labor (Ignatiev 1995).
4. Selective and consonant acculturation are examples of partial acculturation. (Gibson 1988, Portes and Rumbaut 2001).
5. A static economy may discourage incumbent niche occupants from moving up or may force their children to take over the niche, thereby also discouraging immigrant upward mobility.