Which statement is true? A. “The death of a loved one” is a common theme for an ode. B. A classical ode was often accompanied by
the flute. C. An ode is known for its serious tone and is often marked by intense emotions. D. An ode contains lines of verse with easily identifiable rhythms.
An Ode is a form of poetry in which the poet praises and celebrates a person, place, thing or an abstract idea, usually directly addressed to them. Using ellaborate patterns of stanza and rhyming schemes, intense feelings are included to explore important themes for the poet, bringing in emotions and senses. Even though an ode may show a satirical view of a topic, the tone is often formal and solemn because it involves the writer's thoughts and feelings about a someone or something. These emotions are exhalted and deeply dramatic.
B. A classical ode was often accompanied by the flute.
Ode is a poetic composition of the lyrical genre that is divided into symmetrical stanzas. The term comes from the Greek word "odés" which means "singing". In Ancient Greece, "ode" was a poem about something sublime composed to be sung individually or in chorus, and with musical accompaniment.
An example of an ode is the country's national anthems, in which the authors pay homage to the homeland and its symbols and are accompanied by musical instruments.
Answer :Both the Colosseum and the Hunger Games arena are similar, both are environments purposefully made for fights in front of large crowds for their entertainment.