One example that Antony gives to prove that Caesar was not ambitious was that he was bringing in prisoners and giving money to Rome. Other examples given were that when the poor cried Caesar cried too and that he refused the crown 3 times.
those poor Esgaroth people. Assuming Erebor is mainly composed of Volcanic igneous rock, I'm guessing that Smaug's fire is cooler than 1200 degC, since he didn't melt the tunnel the Dwarves were hiding in. Most minerals that comprise igneous rock begin to become molten before temperatures reach ~1200 degC.
Sample Response:
The descriptions, actions, and quotations tell me that Diane France is quick-thinking and resourceful. She uses cleverness to be successful at work. She is also dedicated to her job and curious.
Pentameter is the meter form where there are five metrical feet/ beats in a given line of poetry. And this style has different forms namely iamb, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic.
Iambic is the number of feet used in a line of poetry. In this pattern, the unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable. And in this form of metrical feet, the line contains five stressed syllables and five unstressed syllables.
Alexander the Great had the whim, with the stressed syllables in bold.
The line "Alexander the Great had the whim" is an example of iambic pentameter.
The purpose of propaganda is to provide civilians with information that is slanted, biased and/ or untrue, with the ultimate goal to make the receivers think what you want them to think, believe, what you want them to believe, or do, what you want them to do.