Filling time Interlude
Twelve Psalms Song
Son's of Korah Temple Musicians
To raise up Selah
In the title of Fifty-Seven Psalms Psalm
Behavior therapy.
As the exercise explains, behavior therapy utilizes the principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and/or observational learning to eliminate inappropriate and maladaptive behaviors. In other words, this therapy attempts to discover and seek those potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors with the intention of changing them, as it believes that it is possible to change them.
In this example, john's whistling is serving as a discriminative stimulus.
This procedure, studied by Ivan Pavlov, shows a stimulus ( in this case the action of John's whistling) and a response ( the cattle run to the food trough).
Pavlov studied it with dogs. He realised that when a trainer fed them, dogs salivated. So, he presented the dogs with a "stimulus" ( the sound of a metronome) and when he gave the dogs food. After a few repetitions, when the dog listened to the stimulus, it salivated.
Informed consent.
Informed consent simply means a decision taken by or for an individual after being informed about the proposed research or procedures, risks, benefits, and details about a research or procedures.
There need to be or have a legal informed consent if you have described to your patient or participants the research or procedure you are going to do in detail.
The features of the informed consent process.
1. The act of learning the key informations about a clinical trial before deciding whether or not to participate.
2. It helps individuals to agree or disagree in participating, health care providers involved in the trial explain the details of the study and others.