In the late 19th & early 20th century most Canadians were of recent British ... Australia, and New Zealand both paid for battleships to be added to the Royal Navy. ... The YMCA and other associations raised money and material for the war effort ... Including debts from the provinces and cities, Canada emerge from WWI
Divided government.
A divided government is a kind of administration in presidential systems when the power of the executive branch and the legislative branch is divided into two parties. Moreover, in semi-presidential arrangements, when the executive branch itself is divided between two parties.
Under the division of powers model, the state is separated into various branches. Each department is independent having separate powers and divisions of responsibility so that the authorities of one branch should not in dispute with the powers correlated with the other department.
Often referred to as a “nation of immigrants,” the United States has a resident population that is one-quarter foreign born or native born with at least one foreign-born parent. While most residents have immigration in their family histories, some 235 million, or 75 percent, must look back to the time of their grandparents’ generation or before in order to access their family’s immigration experience.
Opportunity cost is what is given up to obtain something, or the cost of doing something instead of another thing.
The opportunity cost of leisure would be best explained as the monetary value of time spent not working, or in other words, the income that is not received when you are not working.
For example, if a person works 8 hours a day, five days a week, making $20/hour, he will earn, by the end of the week, a total of $800 dollars. However, if he decides to cut back his hours in order to go to swimming classes in the afternoon, and now works 6 hours a day, five days a week, he will now make $600 dollars, so the opportunity cost of leisure for him is $200 dollars.