*2,160 meters*
At its thickest point the ice sheet is 4,776 meters deep. It averages 2,160 meters thick, making Antarctica the highest continent. This ice is 90 percent of all the world's ice and 70 percent of all the world's fresh water.
African National Congress
from 1991 thru 1997
Watergate's consequences will linger – felt from the White House and ... the view of political leaders and students of politics and government. ... It's in the field of campaign reform that Watergate is having the quickest impact, and in several ways. ... To that list, a top Democrat adds a new law requiring Senate ...
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Christian History
The first three centuries of Christianity,
as seen by religious liberals and historians
First century CE:
During the first six decades of the first century CE, Judaism was composed of about two dozen competing factions: Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Zealots, followers of John the Baptist, followers of Yeshua of Nazareth (Iesous in Greek, Iesus in Latin, Jesus in English), followers of other charismatic leaders, etc. All followed common Jewish practices, such as observing dietary restrictions, worshiping at the Jerusalem temple, sacrificing animals, observing weekly sabbaths, etc.