Many cities have passed laws that prohibit homeless people from begging as well as sleeping, sitting, and/or “loitering” in publ
ic. They have also been unwelcoming to homeless people by designing public spaces to be uncomfortable, or by regularly 'cleaning up' public spaces used by the homeless. Do you think that such laws and policies unfairly criminalize the homeless? Or are they necessary to protect the public?
This is an opinion question. I personally think it does criminalize the homeless because when the economy falls into the trash, it gets hard for minimum wage workers to keep up with bills. The excuse of protecting people from the public I find to be a, well, excuse. Instead of making the spaces unwelcoming they should make it easier for the homeless.
James Madison explains and defends the checks and balances system in the Constitution. ... “It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices [checks and balances] should be necessary to control the abuses of government.
Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were crucial in the establishment of a unified effort to deal with the Axis powers. ... In July 1940 newly appointed Prime Minister Churchill requested help from FDR, after Britain had sustained the loss of 11 destroyers to the German Navy over a 10-day period.
Communism eliminates class systems except for the political and military institutions, who typically do very well under communist regimes. Everyone else suffers as a consequence, economically and socially.